Typically Balinese Breakfast

Are they some kind of food? Ofcourse yes. Real nutritious. Coz consist of reach taste and flavour, deep spicy.

Then what are they? Rice as the main menu. We have 'gondo' for vegetables, fries egg, mixed shrimp or 'pencokan udang' and some fried fish or we call 'gorengan pindang'. Well, sounds tasty right? Yeah.. Real good.

Gondo is good for our health. It gives us vitamins for our eyes. Coz they are real real green. Shrimp, is the source of protein, and also fish or pindang, rich of protein.

Theese what i have for breakfast this morning. Made by my grandmother. Only available in Bali.


  1. wow...gondooooooo......i miss it very much...
    salah satu jukut kesukaanku....
    udah lama bgt ga makan jukut gondo...secara...di luar tabanan susah nyari gondo...
    btw...di jogja ada gondo ga di?

  2. tabanan memang gudang gondo. klo mau mencoba, silahkan berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Beraban Selemadeg. kamis ediakan buffet masakan tradisional, jukut gondo salah satunya.
